
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Day 15

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

We all long for peace, safety, security, and rest.  It is a natural longing that God has placed within us.  Physically, we will only now these things when we reach Heaven or at the end of all things.  However, the desire for a place like this lives within us.  That is why the idea of a fortress, a refuge, and a shelter are so appealing.

But notice that it requires us to abide, dwell, or live in the shelter of the Most High.  Too often I try to dwell in myself and believe that I can handle life on my own.  I think I can gain my own peace, security, and safety.  However, when things prove too great for me to handle, and I am overwhelmed, I run to God and look for His shelter.  I really do not live or dwell in God.  I live in myself and run to God for protection when I need it.

To live in the Most High requires that I desire my life to be in His presence.  It means the life I want to live is with Him.  I quit trusting in a better life that I can create and trust in Him to provide all I need for my life.  I trust that this desire He has place within in me is there to draw me to Him.  I discover the only One who can meet this need within me, is God. 

When I choose to live in the shelter of the Most High, then I am so close to God that His shadow can fall across me.  I can see that shadow and know He is there, and I am where I should be.  It is when I live in His presence that I discover the peace, safety, security, and rest I desire.

Prayer: Father God, I desire to dwell in Your shelter.  I want to live in the presence of the Most High God.  I long for Your shadow to fall across me as a sign of Your nearness.  I have sought peace, safety, security, and rest in the things of the world.  I have thought I could provide those needs to myself.  You alone are my refuge, fortress, shelter, and rest.  You are my God and I trust You.  I find my life when I live in You.  Thank You for being the strength and protection I need.

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