21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
This passage of scripture is often quoted and hotly debated. Theologically, I understand this verse. Practically, it is a daily challenge. I can explain it, but I struggle to live it. Many things happen in the regular course of day, but not all of them are good. How can all things in my life be good?
When it comes to good, I do not get to define what is good. Good to me are those things that bring me pleasure and allow me to live an unchanged life. I look to ease and comfort as good things. I define pleasure and provision as good things. I only call good those things that benefit me. How can I define what is good when I am not good?
I cannot define these things because my sinful nature will warp what is good into that which is good for me. For me to define what is good, is like allowing the world defining what is truth. Good must be an external standard and not an internal pleasure. What I define as good for me may hurt and wound you. There must be an external standard of good for all people.
Good becomes a tool in God’s hand, shaping me to be more like Jesus. God’s purpose for my life is to become more like Jesus. So, when difficult times come, God can make them good as He uses them to challenge me, shape me, and refine me into the image and character of Jesus.
Again, I can theologically understand all that, until something I deem as bad happens to me. Then I question where the good is. However, the good is not what I like, but that which God uses to shape my life.
Prayer: Father God, You have promised me in Your Word that in all things You work for my good. Every day there are circumstances in my life that do not feel good, and I do not see any good in them. This is how I feel, but You work in all things for my good. I choose to believe Your truth and not my feelings. In situation that seem hopeless, show me how You are working to change me into the likeness of Jesus. Remind me of Your purpose for me and how you are using these temporary sufferings for eternal glory. Do not allow me to define my life by a shallow and selfish definition of good. Build in me a character that can endure and sacrifice for the greatness of the Kingdom of God.