
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8

There are many things that clamor for my trust.  Things like money, power, influence, popularity, intelligence, and others, they all plead for me to trust in them.  Often times I find that I trust in myself more than anyone or anything else.  

But God calls me to trust in Him, to trust only in Him, and to trust Him at all times.  To trust in God is a fearful thing for it requires me to turn my back on everything and everyone else. I can feel very alone and vulnerable when I only trust in Him.  God is calling me to believe that He will take care of me and every situation around me. 

Yet, I am offered a safe place, a refuge.  God promises to be a place of shelter and protection for me.  This shelter is not just a place for me to hide out while the storms of life pass by, it is a place of security that allows me to pour out my heart before Him.  One of the greatest signs that I truly trust God is my willingness to be honest and pour out my heart to Him.  I can trust His refuge to protect me from the external storms of life and I can trust in who He is to bring peace to the inner conflicts of my heart.

Prayer: Father God, would You quiet the voices of the world clamoring for me to trust in them.  Would you gently and tenderly call me to come to You.  Remind me that I can trust in You at all times and with all things.  You are my refuge from the constant pressure of the world.  I know You are my safe place.  You are a patience and compassionate God, I can pour out my heart to You. 

God, I am coming to you, because I need Your peace.  Worry, anxiety, and insecurities build within me because of who I am and what the world does.  Give me Your peace, a peace that can deliver me from fear, worry, and doubt.

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