Spiritual Victory Through Prayer
I want to take one more look at prayer and a familiar passage in Romans. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” Romans 8:26-27. Paul points out that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and does so with groanings to too deep for words.
When it comes to intercession, the one doing the interceding must be able to have access. Prayer is communication with God, but what allows us to have an audience with God? What allows us access to Him so that we can make our prayers and petitions known? If you were to visit the White House, I doubt you are able to just walk into the Oval office. You need to know someone who can get you access to the Oval office.
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, our offensive sin, which separates us from God, has been removed. Because of the Holy Spirit we can be led into the presence of God. While Jesus removes the barrier, we have an escort in the Holy Spirit who leads us to the Father. Paul speaks of the leadership of the Spirit earlier in this chapter of Romans. “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” Romans 8:14. We are led by the Holy Spirit. He repeats a similar idea in Ephesians, “For through Him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.” Ephesians 2:18
The task of the Holy Spirit leading us to God through prayer should encourage hope within us and empower us with victory. Remember that our groanings are in indication that we don’t know what to say, and we lack an understanding of what our prayer should be about. But the image of groanings is also tied to the idea of birth pains. When a woman is in the last hours of labor, the pain and struggle can be intense and she is overwhelmed by the pain. However, when the birth occurs and a new born baby is laid in her arms, all that pain melts into joy and love. Beyond the pain of the moment is something worth it all.
The season of life you are in right now might be full of pain and struggle. You may wonder if you can endure this time. You may think the pain and struggle may not be worth it. You may be in a place where no one really understands the magnitude of your pain. But don’t lose sight of the hope. Don’t give up in the middle of labor. Pray through and see what God will deliver to you. In your pain, seek to be led by the Holy Spirit into the presence of God. It is there you will not only learn His will, but you will be transformed by the process.
Before speaking to us about prayer, Paul points us toward the hope prayer can bring, “Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But, if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 24-25
After speaking to us about prayer Paul encourages us about the results of praying, “And we know that for those love God all things work together for good.” Romans 8:27. “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31.
Satan wins every time you fail to pray, and Satan fails every time you pray. Even if your prayer is not answered the way you might want it to be, your prayer is still a victory. You are a victor because you have been led into the presence of God. You are a victor because the will of God and the purpose of His Kingdom is exalted. You are a victor because you understand the role of the Holy Spirit more and have learned something about the mind of Christ. You are a victor and Satan fails, because you are a being led by the Spirit to be a little more like Jesus and denying the flesh that makes you more like the devil.
So pray with hope, even in your groaning, because God is going to use your struggle and pain for His good will, to remind you He is for you, and to make you a little more like Jesus.