What Is God Doing vs. Who God Is
The newness of the “sheltering in place” has faded and the grind of learning to live in the new normal may be wearing you down. In the midst of all the new adjustments, are you wondering what God is doing or are you wondering who God is?
In Exodus 33, Moses is overwhelmed by the task of leading the people of Israel into the promised land. Maybe right now you feel overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the pressures of guiding children through online school. Overwhelmed by the pressures of working from home. Overwhelmed by the unknown elements, the anxiety of the situation, the fear of your health and others, or any number of other things. Just flat overwhelmed.
In times where we feel overwhelmed, we most likely want to know what God is doing or going to do to change our situation. However, Moses does not ask what God is doing. He asks about God’s ways. “Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.” Exodus 33:13
When we look for God’s works we want to know what God is doing. When we look for God’s ways, we want to know more about who God is. The works of God reveal His hand, but the ways of God reveal His heart, mind, and will.
In these times, look for God’s ways more than His works.
Looking for God’s works can lead to panic if we don’t recognize or understand what God is doing. But looking for God’s ways will lead to peace as you learn more about who God is. Looking for God’s works will lead to relapse if we don’t see Him working, as we take matters into our hands and revert back to our old habits. Looking for God’s ways will lead to rest as we understand that God cares and is in control.
I know these have been some long and difficult weeks. But as you seek the ways of God more than His works, be encouraged by what God told Moses. “And He said, ‘My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.’” Exodus 33:15. May the presence of God bring you comfort and as you seek to know His ways, may who God is bring you rest.