
Fear Not!

Depending on the person who does the counting and which version of the Bible they use, there are about 365 times the Bible tells us to not be afraid or to fear not.  That is almost one per day.  Clearly a believer is not to live in fear.  But how do you and I not live in fear when the world can be such a fearful place. How do we function in places that can promote our fears and increase them?

In John 6 there is an account of the disciples in a boat on the sea of Galilee. This is just after Jesus has performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000.  The problem is that a storm has blown up in the middle of the night and the disciples are in the boat without Jesus.

When Jesus shows up, His words are very direct.  “But He said to them, ‘It is I; do not be afraid.” John 6:20.  Jesus here repeats the message of scripture, “Don’t be afraid”.  But notice that He also said, “It is I”.  The statement “It is I” in Greek is actually the verb “I am”.  In Exodus, God reveals Himself as the “Great I Am” to Moses before the deliverer is sent to confront Pharaoh. The name “I Am” is meant to define the nature and character of God.  The terminology of “I am” is used in John’s gospel in two specific ways.

First, it is a statement of presence.  Jesus is saying He is right here, right now.  The statement is not “I have been” or “I will be”, but “I am”.  Whatever boat you find yourself in, and whatever storm you are facing, one way to overcome fear is to know Jesus is right here, right now.  Sometimes we miss His presence, but that does not mean He has left us or abandoned us.  You need to know that there is no place, time, or situation that separates a believer from Jesus.  Paul starts the 8th chapter of Romans with “No Condemnation” and ends the chapter with “No Separation” (Romans 8:39). There is nothing that causes Jesus to abandon us or leave us.

Secondly, “I am” is an unfinished sentence.  It has a natural blank after it.  I am ____________?  No matter your need, Jesus is able to fill in the blank.  Seven times in the Gospel of John, Jesus presents Himself with an “I am” statement.  If you feel like you are in the wrong place or on the wrong side of a situation, Jesus says “I am the door”.  He is the door that opens allows you to get to the right side.  If you feel lost, Jesus says “I am the way”.  If you are hungry, Jesus says “I am the Bread of Life”.  If you are stumbling in the darkness, Jesus says “I am the Light of the world”.  If you feel like you are dying inside, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life”.  You see, what ever you need, Jesus is able to fill the blank of your need with His presence.

Understanding the name “I Am” is the secret to not being afraid in the middle of the storm.  It bring us peace. Too often we think of peace as the absence of fear.  In reality, peace is the power to persevere because of the presence of Jesus.  If you know He is there and He is all you need, then you have nothing to fear.  The storm may not go away, but His peace is present. It may be dark, but what ever you need is found in Jesus.  You may feel like the last miracle is far behind you, but you can know that He will safely lead you to your destination (John 6:21).

So don’t be afraid, the Great I Am is here.


  • Janet L Nanninga

    Thank-you for this blog. Now that I have finally learned of this means of receiving them the content of this one could not have been more appropriate for me right now.