Building Up Others
“So then let us pursue what makes
for peace and for mutual upbuilding.”
Romans 14:19
The old adage “to thine own self be true” has served to defined the lives of countless people. We live in a society that seeks itself first and others second. Scripture confronts our society with the message “it is not all about you”. Paul urges the church at Rome not to get caught up in a selfish secular message, but rather to invest in others. The church lives to build up the lives of others. We do that when we put their needs ahead of our own, and live a lifestyle that is counter to our society. The sacrifice of self for the sake of others is a powerful tool in our witness.
Pray: Pray you will live counter to the message of the world. Pray you would be able to place the needs of others ahead of your own. Pray that a lifestyle of self-sacrifice would provide opportunities to witness for Christ.
“”I pray that God will knit us at DBC with evangelistic hearts and equip us with the quality music and gospel message needed to reach the lost that He has placed around His church in Dublin. Lord fill our hearts and minds to overflowing with Your love so that those visiting and attending will feel welcome and drawn to Jesus. To God be the glory.” Gene Belew