Prayer Guide

Faithful Teaching

“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2

We have focused greatly on worship, an evangelistic need to reach a younger demographic, and our unity in moving forward.  A key part that has received little focus is the need for small groups. The younger demographic is highly social and well connected.  Small groups will meet a need and desire, but more importantly it will be a place where others can teach them the Bible.  The more important the Bible becomes to us, the more our life changes to align with the Bible.  Small groups, on and off campus, and throughout the week will be an essential part of life transformation.

Pray: Pray for new groups to begin where Bible teaching and life transformation can occur.  Pray for God to raise up teachers who can start and lead new groups.  Pray for our existing groups and how you can make your small group better.

“Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channel to the glory of God.”  Warren Wiersbe

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