The Heart Of A Seeker

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.’” Luke 19:10
Jesus’ heartbeat is to search for those who do not know Him and draw them to Himself. Jesus wants to save the lost and He is actively seeking them. When our worship,our small groups, and our ministries are focused upon seeking people who need to know Jesus, we are connecting with His desire and heartbeat. We cannot save the lost, that is a task only Jesus can do, However, we can cultivate an attitude and desire in our hearts, in our worship, in our classes, and in ministry to be seeking others who need to know Jesus.
Pray: Pray for a deep spiritual hunger for others who do not know Jesus. Pray God would use you to connect with someone Jesus is seeking to save. Pray for the opportunities to talk about how much Jesus means to you and the difference He has made in your life. Pray for those who don’t know Jesus to be willing to come to places like worship and Bible study to learn more about Jesus and be drawn to Him.
“As the father of two sons that fall into the target group the modern service is hoping to reach, I pray daily that the LORD helps them feel His presence and they are drawn to Him. My fear is they will hear His call and have no place to turn for worship; I am excited and expectantly look forward to the modern service to meet that need.” Shane Belew
Judy davis
Saundra Adams
That’s a good word and reminder for us that we need to be in the fields working, sharing The Good News. Although those who truly have experienced Jesus can’t help but to talk about it. May we all experience Jesus in such a way that His presence precedes us when we enter a room…that people, especially those who are seeking God, will be drawn to the overflow as Holy Spirit draws us to meet them.