Prayer Guide

Laborers For The Harvest

“Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’” Matthew 9:38

The U.S. has always been known for sending missionaries to other nations in need of the gospel.  However, the shocking drop in young Christ followers in the U.S. presents an alarming view of the spiritual future of our own country and churches.  The answer is simple; more young people need to come to Jesus.  The need to reach people with the gospel,especially a younger demographic cannot be ignored.  The need for workers has not changed from the days of Jesus. Will you go?

Pray: Pray for a stirring in your heart and life to know where the Lord is sending you.  Pray for others who feel a call to reach a younger demographic.  Pray that by reaching the lost, the course of our country and churches would change.

“I have hopes for the new service that out friend will feel comfortable and welcome not only to visit but to want to stay for connect groups.” Jenna Schweinfurth


  • Saundra Adams

    Right! What ever happened to Youth For Christ? Many churches have no youth programs. Maybe I should look into that …it was prophecied over me twice that I would be involved in children’s ministry…hrmmm…Something to pray about…

    • admin

      I know God has a place for every follower to serve Him. I will pray with you about a place to serve. I know that there is a great need for people to reach out to and care about teenagers.