Prayer Guide

Worship Of The Nations


“Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You!  Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for You judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon the earth.’” Psalm 67:3-4

The psalms continually call people to praise God.  The call is to all people, young and old, Jew and Gentile. The need to call all people to praise God has not ended.  It continues to be a call for all who know of God’s grace, mercy, power, and wisdom to worship Him and sing His praises.  The element of praising God focuses people on who God is, reminds them that they serve Him, and guides them with His wisdom.

Pray: Pray for the message of the songs sung at Dublin Baptist Church.  Pray the songs will express clearly who God is, why we need Him, how we are to serve Him, and that they will encourage us to walk in the truth of His Word.  Pray that all worship services, modern,blended, and those in different languages, will focus upon God and His glory.

“We are looking forward to the launch of this service , because, this will be a way for us to reach out among our friends, coworkers and neighbors who so desperately need Christ . This service will be a way for them to find joy, hope, community and relationships with other believers – especially within our age group who are looking for a more modern way to worship. We are excited to see the ways in which God is going to use this church and this service to reach beyond these walls to make an impact for His Kingdom.”   Michael and Elizabeth Scinto

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