Start Something New
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His mercies never come to an end: they are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-24
Lamentations is a sad book, but there is a great comfort from God mentioned in chapter 3. In the midst of the sorrow Jeremiah preaches, he knows that every morning a new day dawns full of the mercy, love, and faithfulness of God. Do you know that every day God gives a new measure of Himself to you? In light of my failures and mistakes, I need the new love and mercy from God. I need to know God is faithful towards me even when I have not been faithful to Him. You need that too, and so do others you will meet today. Will you tell them of His mercy, love, and faithfulness?
Pray: Pray for the newness of God in your life and the lives of others today. Pray we would be overwhelmed by the continual love, mercy, and faithfulness of God. Pray God would give you an opportunity to speak of the hope you have in Jesus and comfort others in their sorrow.
“I’m excited to invite friends, coworkers, and our community to the new modern service- a service they will relate to, be encouraged by, and start/grow in their relationship with Jesus! I know a lot of effort has been made to make this intentional to a new generation and I am very thankful for that. I love worshiping through music, especially modern worship music, and super excited that Dublin Baptist will have this worship style that I connect with most! I can’t wait to see, and praying for, the impact this service will have on our community!” Cole Dorco