Prayer Guide for a New Missional Focus
Starting on December 2, I will be posting daily a prayer guide. This prayer guide is designed to prepare our hearts for a new modern worship service starting on January 6th.
Historically, almost every great move of God has been preceded by a powerful prayerful emphasis. As we look for God to move greatly in our midst, I am calling us to a period of daily prayer. I am excited about the future of Dublin Baptist Church and a focus on reaching an unreached group living among us. The need to reach a younger demographic is fueled by the Great Commission, “To go and make disciples of all people” (Matthew 28:19). Studies report that as a generation gets younger their connection to the Gospel of Jesus Christ diminishes.
While we are preparing to start a new modern worship service at 9:00am on January 6th, we are not ignoring the other worship services that occur at Dublin Baptist Church every Sunday. We are a unified body that chooses to worship in various forms. Some worship in a more traditional blended service, others in a different language. A new group will be meeting to worship in a modern format. However, regardless of the style, the goal and passion remain unchanged: people of all ages and nations need Jesus. We are to become all things to all people that by all means we might reach some, so they know the blessing of salvation (2 Corinthians 9:22-23).
I hope you can join me daily in scripture and prayer as we remain focused on the Gospel and invest in the future of Dublin Baptist.
JD Davis